2024: Sessions on demand April 2025!

Protecting Privileged Access with Just-in-Time Elevation and Privileged Access Workstations


The days of a separate admin account being sufficient to protect yourself are long gone. Protections like tiered security in Active Directory (AD) are important, but they too are not enough in today’s threat landscape. Privileged Access Workstations (PAWs) and Just-in-Time (JIT) access are important strategies to further protect and isolate privileged access on-premises and in the cloud. In this session, you’ll learn about the key components of a PAW program, challenges you’ll run into, and how to securely deploy and manage PAWs in a cloud-first environment. With these tools, you will be able to provide administrators with a “clean keyboard” which is critical to reducing risk. Next, we’ll talk about how you can enable JIT with native AD tools and no third-party password managers or privileged access management tools. Combined, you’ll walk away with strategies to take your AD hardening program to the next level.