2024: Sessions on demand April 2025!

Turning the Table on Identity: From Azure AD to AD


Microsoft has been promising admins that they can effectively manage all aspects of on-premises access for their organization in the Entra portal. This session shows you how to actually do it!

This session includes three real-world scenarios for organizations who have turned the table on Identity. No longer do they manage access, apps or strong authentication from AD and sync to Azure AD… No. They manage specific parts of their on-premises access from the Entra portal. Join this session to learn how to put dynamic groups, access reviews, access packages, Windows Hello for Business, on-premises protocols like SCIM and LDAP and your on-premises SQL servers into good use for managing aspects of access from Azure AD to manage on-premises functionality. For organizations using both Active Directory and Azure AD, new possibilities allow to do more with less; getting more value from both identity platforms with less administrative effort.